校園簡介 Our School
辦學宗旨 Vision

         教導兒童認識基督真理,使孩子自幼接受福音的種子。 並根據兒童的發展特徵、興趣及能力,提供各種適切的課程和活動,讓兒童在關愛的環境中愉快學習,發展個人潛能,從小培養自主學習的能力,建立自信與積極的態度。與家長結成夥伴,讓兒童健康快樂成長。

Teach children to know the truth of Christ, so that children receive the seeds of the gospel from an early age. According to the developmental characteristics, interests and abilities of children, we provide a variety of appropriate courses and activities, so that children can learn happily in a caring environment, develop their personal potential, cultivate their ability to learn independently from an early age, and build self-confidence and a positive attitude. Partner with parents to let children grow up healthily and happily.